CTTI Hosts Free Webinar to Highlight Key Initiatives of MDIC to Advance Medical Device Regulatory Science


CTTI Hosts Free Webinar to Highlight Key Initiatives of MDIC to Advance Medical Device Regulatory Science

CTTI will host a free, public webinar on Thurs., May 17, at 12:00 p.m. EDT to highlight key initiatives of the Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC), a public-private partnership working to advance medical device regulatory science. Attendees will learn how MDIC’s and CTTI’s efforts—particularly around engaging patients as equal partners and driving single IRB adoption—complement each other to improve clinical trials.


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Stephanie Christopher and Dan Schwartz of MDIC will present on topics including:


  • The Science of Patient Input initiative to develop a framework for patient input in clinical trials.
  • A preview of results from the project to integrate patient preferences into the design of clinical trials.
  • Early Feasibility initiative to highlight Early Feasibility Study (EFS) Metrics and Contract projects.

CTTI has long recognized that overcoming the complex challenges facing the clinical trials enterprise requires strong coordination across initiatives. By ensuring our enterprise-wide efforts are complementary and not duplicative, we can more efficiently and successfully improve the R&D process and increase the quality and efficiency of clinical trials.


Topic: MDIC and CTTI: Synergies in Clinical Trials Efforts

Date: Thurs., May 17, 2018, 12:00-1:00 p.m. EDT (GMT -04:00)

Presenters: Stephanie Christopher and Dan Schwartz (MDIC)