Lorri is not an expert

CTTI Project: [Project]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer dolor arcu, accumsan ut sapien vitae, gravida molestie ex. Etiam ac felis tortor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In nibh nisl, accumsan nec volutpat sed, gravida vitae ex. Aenean a euismod purus. Mauris quis sagittis mauris. Etiam augue dolor, scelerisque sed molestie vitae, semper nec sapien. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis est risus, malesuada ac dictum pharetra, fermentum in erat. Quisque dui lorem, pulvinar in augue non, maximus volutpat lacus. Nunc euismod blandit odio. Sed vel tincidunt tellus, quis scelerisque urna. Ut aliquet, dolor id blandit molestie, lacus arcu porta leo, dictum tristique velit nulla id dolor. Fusce gravida leo quis risus dignissim vestibulum. Integer a tincidunt massa.

Meeting Location:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Meeting Materials:


[Meeting Summary]

[List of meeting attendees]

Meeting Presentations:

  • Presentation 1
  • Presentation 2
  • Presentation 3
  • Presentation 4

The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the individual presenter and should not be attributed to the Clinical Trials Transformation Initiative, or any organization with which the presenter is employed or affiliated.

New CTTI Publication Highlights Stakeholder Preferences for Informed Consent Language in HABP/VABP Studies

peer-reviewed article recently published in JAMA Network Open details CTTI work to get stakeholder feedback on informed consent language for hospital-acquired and/or ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia (HABP/VABP) studies. The article describes the process of gathering feedback from 52 stakeholders to identify the most important elements to include in the informed consent process.

Previous CTTI research suggested that an early enrollment strategy using advance consent in pneumonia antibiotic trials is acceptable to key stakeholders. As part of that research, CTTI also engaged these stakeholders to identify, describe, and reach consensus on essential concepts that should be included in an advance consent form for a HABP/VABP clinical trial. Concepts were:

  • Reassurances on patient health and treatment
  • Reasons for advance consent and enrolling early
  • Explanation of non-inferiority

The proposed consent language developed in this process, in combination with a strategy for enrolling patients at highest risk for pneumonia before infection onset, may help potential participants make informed decisions about their involvement in clinical research. It may also improve enrollment rates in trials from which data are urgently needed to evaluate new treatments and improve patient care.

Learn more about past CTTI work on HABP/VABP.

Happy Holidays from CTTI – Gifts you can use

Happy Holidays

If quality, efficient trials are on your wish list, we’ve got you covered.

CTTI’s latest recommendations and tools:

In 2016, there were over 30,000 downloads from the CTTI website. Popular favorites include our evidence-based recommendations on trial qualityinformed consent, and patient group engagement.

By engaging all stakeholders to develop actionable solutions, we are creating a better system for clinical trials. Thank you to all of our members and contributors for their efforts this past year, and best wishes for a successful 2017!