Webinar June 26: Launching New CTTI Recommendations to Accelerate the Appropriate Use of Mobile Technology in Clinical Trials


Webinar June 26: Launching New CTTI Recommendations to Accelerate the Appropriate Use of Mobile Technology in Clinical Trials

CTTI Webinar

Mobile technologies offer unique opportunities for making clinical trials faster, more efficient, and more representative of actual patient experiences. By addressing unmet needs for quality outcome measures, enabling more efficient alternatives to traditional clinical research models, and reducing dependence on data that represent only a tiny snapshot of patients’ experience of disease, mobile technologies allow us to capture new kinds of information while reducing the burdens of trial participation. However, realizing these benefits requires a clear understanding of how to successfully select, develop and incorporate technology-derived novel endpoints and incorporate them into clinical trials—a need that CTTI is addressing through its MCT Novel Endpoints Project.

Join us for a special webinar in which CTTI will present new recommendations and tools to support the selection, development, and inclusion of technology-derived novel endpoints in clinical trials.


Topic: Developing novel endpoints generated using mobile technology for use in clinical trials
Date: Monday, June 26, 2017 12:00 – 1:30 PM EDT (GMT-04:00)
Webinar Link: http://bit.ly/2rAJ9K7

  • Martin Landray (University of Oxford)
  • Marc Walton (Janssen)

Panel members sharing their perspectives on adoption of the recommendations:

  • Leonard Sacks (US Food and Drug Administration)
  • Lauren Bataille (Michael J. Fox Foundation)
  • Wendy Snyder (Amgen)
  • Rob Wilson (ActiGraph)

The webinar will include a first look at evidence-based approaches and tools that can be applied by research sponsors, investigators, technology developers, and patient groups to facilitate the use of novel endpoints derived from mobile technology in clinical trials. You will learn about a set of tools developed by CTTI’s expert stakeholders to guide the identification, development and inclusion of appropriate novel endpoints.

Our presenters and panel members will show how:

  • The clinical research enterprise can benefit from the appropriate inclusion of technology-derived novel endpoints in clinical trials
  • Sponsors and investigators can work effectively with regulators to develop high-quality novel endpoints to support regulatory submission and approval
  • Patient groups can both drive the identification of novel endpoints that measure symptoms that matter and participate in their development
  • Tech developers can better match product development to unmet needs and adapt solutions for the demands of clinical trials and the patient care environment
  • Stakeholders can collaborate to avoid common pitfalls in the development process

You will be introduced to four “real-world” use cases that shaped the development of these tools and recommendations, with key lessons to be carried forward to other therapeutic areas. You will also learn how these tools and recommendations can be applied in practice from our panel of early adopters.

This webinar is open to the public. Please feel free to share this invitation with your colleagues.